******************************************************************* * Warlands - By Darrin Anderson, Mike Ehrenhofer & Gary Manning * ******************************************************************* * Warlands is a scenario pack designed for use with Warcraft2(tm)* * and is distributed freely. Although the enclosed scenarios * * were designed using Blizzard's Scenario Editor, the Warlands * * scenario pack is in no way licensed by Blizzard Inc. * ******************************************************************* Welcome to the first installment of Warlands, a series of Warcraft2 scenarios to challenge even the mightiest Warlord amongst you! Please feel free to distribute the scenarios far and wide, and send us any comments / suggestions to : mhofer@mcs.com ****NOTE****: The scenario format is xxxx#.PUD where the # represents the number of human players that the scenario was designed for. Please play the default races as many of the scenarios have been heavily customized for a particular race of human or orc. (Pick your favorite when playing the generic PUDs). Until next time, Enjoy!